Monday, October 4, 2010

Thing 23: The End?

My favorite items from the experience are Jing and Flickr Toys.  I think Jing will be very handy when doing online reference and Flickr Toys are just fun.  I really enjoyed this experience and wish that I could've done more with the different Things.  That is a problem for all of us...wanting to explore and learn new things but not having the time to.  I did visit other participants' blogs.  I noticed that everyone is at different points in this process showing that we all have the huge obstacle of time.  Giving me the goal of the peer conference did help to keep me focused....although you will notice that there are big gaps in time between my things and then I will have completed several at a time. 

Thanks Tara for providing this forum for us.  Please include me in future projects :)

Thing 18: Audiobooks

Ok...I know this one is out of order but I cannot download the Overdrive books while I am on campus...and neither can students.  This is one negative.  I was able to download this at home but it took many steps.  I think we might lose some students during all these steps.  You have to download the software, then upgrade my windows media, and then download each part of the book.  All time consuming.  I like the idea of Overdrive and like that you can download them to mobile devices but they could limit the steps it takes.  I have not tried any other audiobook vendor but would be willing to. 

Thing 22: Podcasts

I am new to podcasts.  I would like to explore ITunesU a little more, especially now that I have an Ipod Touch.  An excellent birthday present!  I do have a faculty member here that uses them for her classes.  She really likes the NPR podcasts so I decided to look through NPR for a podcast.  It is pretty easy to navigate and find podcasts on their shows or on a topic. I found a new show called Culturetopia and they are only on their 10th episode.  The episode I listened to is called Pop Culture Happy Hour  and it is about people reminiscing about their first pop culture experiences....what posters they had on their walls, their first celebrity crushes, and even what was the first adult book they read.  Ah...the memories :)